Friday, July 13, 2007

Why do the Leftist Thought Police want to Ban the Catholic Tridentine Mass?

I think part of the reason is a demonic pride that comes from the father of pride. Please say the prayer below for them.

"St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle! Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who roam about the world seeking the ruin of souls."

(Pope Leo ordered this prayer said at the conclusion of Mass in 1886. (When Pope Paul VI issued the Novus Ordo of the Mass in 1968, the prayer to St. Michael and the reading of the "last gospel" at the end of the Mass were suppressed.))


Why should the Catholic - or any other church - care about what jews and muslims think of them? Do you see muslim and jewish religious tenets being altered to suit Christrian sensibilities? No need to answer, the question is rhetorical.


Will pope reintroduce anti-Semitic mass?


Turmoil in Catholic Church: Pope Benedict XVI plans to publish new version of 400-year-old prayer which calls Jews 'perfidious'. Church officials fear reintroduction of prayer could harm church's relations with Jews, Muslims

Pope Benedict XVI's intention to reintroduce a controversial Latin Mass with anti-Semitic references has launched turmoil in the Catholic church, according to a report in the Independent.

The 16th-century Tridentine Mass, which refers to Jews as "perfidious", was replaced in 1969. In the words of the original, penned in 1570, Jews live in "blindness" and "darkness"; it pleads that "the Lord our God may take the veil from their hearts and that they also may acknowledge our Lord Jesus Christ".

High-ranking bishops and cardinals in the Catholic Church have expressed severe opposition to the reintroduction of the prayer, out of concern that it will harm the church's relations with Jews and Muslims.

Leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, sent the pope a letter to voice his opposition to the changes to the mass.

However, Pope Benedict announced Thursday that he intended to publish next week an amended version of the prayer.

A spokesman for the Church in Britain said Friday, "It is standard practice to follow Rome, but we don't know yet what the (statement) will say. When we have the document, bishops and cardinals will consider it."

The mass was translated and edited in the 60s from Latin to local languages to make it more accessible to the layman. Celebration of the original Latin Mass now requires permission from the local bishop and the Roman Catholic Church in Britain. The changes were approved by the Second Vatican Council, which sat between 1962 and 1965.

The pope's move to reintroduce the controversial mass is seen by many as an attempt to reach out to the Society of St Pius X, an ultra- traditionalist group, to bring it back into the Vatican fold.,7...419167,00.html


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